Bulls will solve this big problem of men, study found shocking results, becoming a father will be easy!

Bulls will solve this big problem of men, study found shocking results, becoming a father will be easy!

The problem of impotence in men is also one of the increasing and serious problems. To find its solution, scientists are doing many types of intensive research. But Professor Hubert Poch of ETH Zurich did a unique research in this direction and his subject was bull. This research not only sheds light on male fertility, but can also be helpful in human fertility research and cattle rearing.

One out of every eight couples in the world is facing the problem of infertility. Half of these cases are of male impotence. Finding out the genetic reason behind this is a very challenging task. The biggest reason for this is that till now no such method or test has been found which can differentiate between impotent and healthy men.

This was the reason why researchers wanted to study young bulls to gain more information about genes and the ways they control human fertility. Researchers studied tissue samples taken from the testicles, epididymis and vas deferens of 118 freshly killed bulls. The special thing was that he did not kill any animal for the study.

Scientists studied the fertility of the bull at the gene level. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Based on their analysis, the researchers characterized the messenger RNA molecules in the tissues, allowing them to determine which genes were active in the reproductive organs, as well as their effect on fertility.

In this study, many such genes and their variants were detected which were related to the fertility of the bull. Not only this, many of these were also related to male fertility in humans. According to Gina Maples, the lead author of the study, reproductive genes in mammals have basically the same function. These are closely related to poor fertility in bulls.

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While there is a lack of data in the case of humans, there is complete information about the genetic makeup of cattle. It cannot be said yet how these investigations can be used for human fertility. This study, published in Nature Communications, has certainly laid a strong foundation for future research on the impact of genetics on human fertility. But this study will have a deep impact on animal husbandry and dairy industries.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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