Burial Or Cremation, Which Is The Better Option? Know What The Report Says

Burial Or Cremation, Which Is The Better Option?  Know What The Report Says

After being born a human being has to leave the earth. When a person leaves this earth, his body remains here. Not only in India, but in all the countries of the world, dead bodies are destroyed according to different religions. In simple words, cremation is done in Hindu religion and burial is done in Muslim and Christian religions. At the same time, in Judaism this work is done under a different process. In all religions, the last rites process is completed according to their beliefs. Now the question is which process of last rites is more correct? Is it right to burn a dead body or bury it? A report named Cast of Dying has been published in the UK. Data on this have been shared in the report. Let us know.

Research done on three scales

The Cost of Dying report in the UK was published after researching three aspects. In 57 per cent of funerals in the UK, cremation was carried out according to customs. In 25 percent of the cases, cremation was done by burial, while in 18 percent, direct cremation was done. In direct cremation, no customs or ceremonies are followed. In these, studies were done on the parameters of environment, family and money etc.

This is how cremation happens

If we talk about the process of traditional cremation, then after someone’s death, usually many people come together and accompany the funeral procession. In India, the dead body is taken to the cremation ground i.e. the crematorium and after this the process of cremation begins. Here the body is cremated by a son or brother of the family or someone close to him. When the body is burnt, the bones and ashes can be collected in an urn and flowed to any place of your choice or can be kept somewhere. Apart from this, Samadhi can also be made. The environment is also not polluted in this process. Statistics show that the process of cremation is very less expensive.

This process is done for burial

If we talk about the process of burial, in this also the dead body is taken to the cemetery. Family members, friends etc. are involved in this. When the dead body reaches the cemetery, the funeral processionists of the respective religion complete the funeral process. After this the body is buried. This process is quite popular in the world. After burying the dead body, a grave is made there, so that their loved ones can visit that place anytime. This process is more expensive than cremation.

The trend of direct criminalization also increased

The third process is of direct criminalization. This process is now being adopted in many countries of the world. It is not necessary that relatives accompany the dead body or that any member of the family stay with the body till the last rites. Any person can go and get this process completed. In this the body is burnt by machines. After this the ashes are handed over. This is the most economical option for cremation.

Religious beliefs-rules and environment

If someone has to be cremated in India or abroad, everyone does it according to their religious beliefs. It is very rare to see that people care about the environment or money in such matters. If someone belongs to Hindu religion then he follows the last rites procedure. If someone belongs to Christian or Muslim religion then they give importance to the process of burial. No matter what the report says, there are some tasks where facts do not help. No one gives up traditions that have been going on for centuries just like that. Through the report, it has only been told in which ways funerals are being conducted in the world. How connected human emotions are to this and how much impact it has on them.

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