CA breaks up, sends 7 months’ bill to girlfriend, asks for half the amount for everything from cigarettes to coffee!

CA breaks up, sends 7 months’ bill to girlfriend, asks for half the amount for everything from cigarettes to coffee!

For any couple, the time of breakup is full of pain and difficulties. People do so much for each other in their relationship that when the relationship ends, all those things start to seem dishonest. However, some people are more worried about the expenses made in the relationship than the relationship. The same thing happened with a boyfriend, who was a chartered accountant by profession. When he broke up (CA boyfriend send expense breakup viral post), he was not worried that his girlfriend would leave him, but he was more worried about how to get back half the money he spent on things during the relationship. The man made a complete account and sent it to his girlfriend. He asked for money for everything from cigarettes to coffee, including GST!

Twitter user @sehahaj shared some photos and told what happened to his roommate. He told that his roommate once dated a CA named Aditya. When both of them broke up (CA breakup send expense viral), Aditya made a list of all the accounts on an Excel sheet and sent it to her. He wrote – Aditya used to get the bills split, but also used to send gifts on cash on delivery.

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