caa rules notification how minorities get citizenship in countries like America and Russia

caa rules notification how minorities get citizenship in countries like America and Russia

There are different laws regarding citizenship in countries around the world. Last Monday, the rules of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) came into force in India. After this, people from minority communities of India’s three neighboring countries Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh will be able to get Indian citizenship. But do you know how minorities get citizenship in countries like America. Know what the law there says.


According to a report, more than 59 thousand Indians have taken citizenship in America in the year 2023. According to the information, Indians are second among those taking American citizenship. According to the report of America’s Citizenship and Immigration Services, last year in 2023, 8.7 lakh foreigners have become American citizens. Of these, more than 1.1 lakh citizens are from Mexico. Whereas 59,100 Indians have taken American citizenship. Apart from this, 44,800 Filipinos and 35,200 Dominican Republic people have taken American citizenship.

Rules for obtaining American citizenship

To get citizenship in America, one has to fulfill the eligibility given in the Immigration and Nationality Act. According to the information, to acquire citizenship in America, a foreign citizen must be a legal permanent resident for at least five years. Apart from this, if a foreign citizen marries an American, in that case he is required to be a legal permanent resident for 3 years.

Russian citizenship

In Russia, citizenship is granted on several grounds. For example, at the time of birth of a child, if one of the parents is a Russian citizen. Apart from this, there are other rules regarding the birth of a child in Russia. In the normal procedure, foreign citizens living in Russia can apply for Russian citizenship. But for that they must have a valid permanent residence permit. Apart from this, he must have lived as a permanent resident in Russia for 5 years. To obtain citizenship one must agree to abide by the Russian Constitution. If any citizen gives up the citizenship of his/her country except the countries having dual citizenship with Russia, he/she can also apply.


German citizenship is given on three grounds. In this, the first is naturalization, the second is on the basis of descent, which is called Jus Sanguinis in Latin. Third, on the right to soil, it is called Jus Soli in Latin. For this you must have a residence permit in Germany for at least 8 years. And proficiency in German language should be at least B1 level. You should not have any criminal record. After all this you have to pass the citizenship test. You can also apply for German citizenship on the basis of descent. For this, one of your parents must be a citizen of Germany. At the same time, if the mother or father has lived in Germany for at least eight years before the person’s birth, you can still apply. Let us tell you that Germany has made treaties with many countries for dual citizenship.

read this also: People living in which countries will get the benefit of CAA, which countries will remain out of this list

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