Can a train really overturn with gas cylinders or stones know what science says

Can a train really overturn with gas cylinders or stones know what science says

After Kanpur, now a case of conspiracy to overturn a train has come to light in Rajasthan. Cement blocks weighing about one quintal have been found at different places on the railway track in Ajmer district of Rajasthan. In this way a conspiracy was hatched to overturn a goods train. It is being told that cement blocks have been kept on the railway track for about one kilometer. An FIR has been registered in this case. In such a situation, the question arises that if gas cylinders and stones are really kept on the railway track, can a train overturn? Let’s find out.

Can a train overturn due to gas cylinders and stones?

Gas cylinders are usually heavy and heavy, Although, Their weight and effective force are not enough to overturn the train, Gas cylinders have an effect on trains only when they are placed directly on the track and the train passes over them, If the cylinders are properly placed on the track, So their impact can damage the track and there is a possibility that the train may derail, But the chances of a direct train overturning are very low.,

The effect of stones can also be understood in this way., If large and heavy stones are placed on the track, they can damage the track surface, which could lead to the danger of the train derailing, But the chances of the train getting derailed due to stones are also less., Because the design and construction material of the train makes it strong enough to overturn,

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Safety measures

A variety of measures and engineering techniques are used to protect the railway network, There are regular safety monitoring and inspections on railway tracks, who can immediately identify and remove any harmful object or obstacle, Various improvements and safety measures are carried out to strengthen the track and train structure, These measures keep the track safe and stable and reduce the chances of train derailment,

How can an accident happen

Although gas cylinders and stones usually do not cause trains to overturn, But if unnecessary items are kept on the track every day or there is some serious problem with the track, so this can cause accidents, To reduce the impact of these accidents, Railway management is always alert and conducts regular inspections to maintain safety standards,

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