Can any creature produce children even in space, know what science says?

Can any creature produce children even in space, know what science says?

There is no gravity in space. Apart from this, there is no life supporting environment like Earth. Now the question arises whether people or creatures who live in spacecraft can become pregnant. If yes, then will the child born be the same as the child born on earth? Let us know about it in detail in this news today.

Reproduction in space

Actually, the process of reproduction in space is similar to the reproduction on Earth. The process may differ. There can be many reasons behind this. But the main reason is the different environment of space and microgravity i.e. low gravity. Think of it like this, during pregnancy on Earth, gravity helps, such as the proper development of the fetus and the proper division of its body tissues. It all also depends on gravity. But when an organism becomes pregnant in space, its embryo cannot develop properly due to the negligible gravity there.

Can become pregnant

According to some research, the union of sperm and egg i.e. fertilization can happen normally in space. Because this process depends on chemical and biological reactions. It is not much affected by gravity. But, when it comes to the development of the fetus, then space pregnancy is different from earth’s pregnancy.

NASA research

Tell you. Let us tell you, in 2009, the American space agency NASA conducted a study in which it was found that the development of rat embryos in space was different from the development on Earth. Especially the bones and muscles of the fetus were not formed properly. From this research it became clear that if a pregnant organism wants to develop its fetus while living in space, then due to the absence of gravity, it can prove fatal for the development of the fetus.

Apart from this, Japan has also done research on this. In the 1990s, the Japan Space Agency (JAXA) also conducted a space experiment that studied germs (C. elegans) and reproductive cells. In this experiment also it was found that the development of some cells in microgravity was not normal as compared to Earth.

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