Can diamond be made from charcoal also? Know the complete process of diamond making here

Can diamond be made from charcoal also?  Know the complete process of diamond making here

Since childhood we have been hearing that diamonds are found from coal mines. But are diamonds really made from coal? Actually, coal is black and the color of diamond is completely transparent white. In such a situation, the question that naturally comes to mind is what happens to coal that it turns into diamond. Apart from this, a question also comes to mind that if diamond is made from coal then can it be made from any kind of coal. Let us tell you about it.

How is diamond made

If we understand in the language of science, diamond is chemically the purest form of carbon. That is, when carbon reaches its purest form, it changes from black to transparent diamond. Understand it this way, when the temperature of coal is around 1600 degrees Celsius, carbon atoms bond with 4 other atoms and after this diamonds are formed. In this way diamonds are made of 100 percent pure carbon. Whereas, chemically speaking, diamond is very inert and is insoluble in all solvents.

Can diamond be made from all types of coal

If you think that diamonds can also be made from charcoal then you are wrong. Diamonds are not made from all types of coal. The coal from which diamonds are made is very special. Actually, coal has to go through very high temperature and pressure to become diamond. Not every coal can withstand this temperature and pressure. Therefore, diamonds are made from those special coals which can withstand such temperature and pressure.

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