Can everyone make cannabis at home? Know the government rules before making

Can everyone make cannabis at home?  Know the government rules before making

Bhang is a popular intoxicant prepared during the festival of Holi, which is basically made from hemp leaves. But it does not only include hemp leaves but also whole spices, poppy seeds, watermelon seeds and rose petals are used to give it an aromatic and tasty look. Let us know about the recipe for preparing hemp paste at home.

Ingredients for preparing hemp paste

1 1/2 liter water
1 1 /2 cups sugar
1 cup milk
1 tbsp almonds
1 tbsp melon/watermelon with seeds removed
1/2 tbsp poppy seeds
1/ 2 tbsp fennel
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
1/2 tsp rose water – optional
1 tsp whole black pepper
1/4 cup dried or fresh roses Petals

How to make hemp paste?

1. Soak sugar in one liter of water and keep it aside.

2. If you are using powder, wash and clean all the dry ingredients except cardamom.

3.  Soak the remaining two cups of water and keep aside.

4. Let all soaked items stand for at least 2 hours.

5. Grind the soaked ingredients finely in a grinder, except sugar.

6. When the paste becomes very fine, add the remaining water to it.

7. Place a sturdy muslin strainer over a large deep pot.

8. Press the muslin with the back of your hands, draining the liquid into a vessel.

9. Add the remaining water little by little to remove excess water.

10. Pour some of the extract back in and press and squeeze.

11. Keep repeating this process until the residue dries and becomes like husk.

12. Add milk, sugar and rose water to the extracted liquid.

13. If using cardamom powder then mix it in milk.

14. Mix well.

15. Let it cool for an hour before serving.

Note- Using hemp is not so easy. For this, some rules have been set by the government, under which you can consume it only. At the same time, it is mandatory to follow government norms regarding its production, purchase and sale. Apart from this, while consuming cannabis, you should also take proper care of its quantity, so that it does not have any harmful effect on health.

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