Can head injuries cause brain hemorrhage? Let’s know according to experts

Can head injuries cause brain hemorrhage? Let’s know according to experts

Head injuries can be a serious problem and if not treated on time, it can cause brain hemorrhage. Brain hemorrhage means bleeding in the brain, which can be life-threatening. Let us know how head injuries can cause brain hemorrhage and what are its symptoms according to experts. 

Head injuries and brain hemorrhage
Head injuries can be of different types, such as minor injury, severe injury, or trauma. When there is a strong blow to the head, blood vessels inside the brain can burst. This causes bleeding in the brain, which is called brain hemorrhage. This condition is very serious and needs immediate treatment. 

Symptoms of brain hemorrhage

Severe headache
The most prominent symptom of brain hemorrhage is a sudden and very severe headache. This headache is different from a normal headache and is very intense. This type of headache can usually start immediately or some time after the head injury. 

Nausea and vomiting
Feeling nausea and vomiting after a head injury is also an important symptom. This is due to the increasing pressure in the brain. If vomiting is happening repeatedly after a head injury, then it can be a matter of concern. 

Brain hemorrhage can also cause loss of balance and dizziness. A person may find it difficult to walk or stand. This symptom may be due to bleeding in the brain. 

Blurred vision
Blurred vision and vision problems can also be signs of a brain hemorrhage. A person may have trouble seeing clearly or experience double vision. This is due to pressure on the visual center of the brain.

Difficulty speaking
Difficulty speaking and not being able to pronounce words correctly can also be a symptom of brain hemorrhage. A person may have difficulty speaking, have trouble forming sentences, or have difficulty pronouncing words correctly. 

Memory problems
Loss of memory and forgetting things can also be a sign of brain hemorrhage. A person may have difficulty remembering recent events or may forget old memories. This is due to the effect on the memory centers of the brain. 

Cognitive problems
Brain hemorrhage can cause problems in thinking and understanding. A person may have trouble making decisions, solving problems and general thinking. It affects the cognitive abilities of the brain.

Experts’ opinion
Experts believe that head injuries should not be ignored. If there is a head injury, a doctor should be contacted immediately, especially if the symptoms mentioned above appear. In some cases, an MRI or CT scan is needed to detect any type of bleeding in the brain. 

Treatment and precautions
It is very important to treat brain hemorrhage on time and in the right manner. Follow the instructions given by the doctor and take the medicines on time. Apart from this, some precautions should be taken. 

  • Wear a helmet: Always wear a helmet while riding a bike or bicycle.
  • Play safe: Use head protection when playing.
  • Avoid falling: To avoid falling, take precautions and keep the floor in the house safe. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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