Can losing your sense of smell predict heart failure read full article

Can losing your sense of smell predict heart failure read full article

People suffering from the Covid pandemic (Coronavirus) have lost their sense of smell, loss of taste etc. Even those who have recovered from it have shown symptoms like loss of sense of smell and bad taste in the mouth. Today we will tell you in detail which serious disease increases the risk due to loss of sense of smell.

congestive heart failure

According to research in the ‘Journal of the American Heart Association’, symptoms of loss of sense of smell are mostly seen in the elderly. A new disease called congestive heart failure has been detected in their body. This disease can take a dangerous form.

When the sense of smell decreases, the risk of heart attack increases significantly. This is one of its initial symptoms. When the sense of smell weakens, the risk of serious brain-related diseases increases. In people with weak hearts, the sense of smell gradually decreases. The power of the nervous system gradually weakens. Due to which the sense of smell decreases.

In case of nasal problems

Having COVID-19

any injury to the brain

What is loss of sense of smell?

Sniffin stick test is done when the sense of smell is reduced. So that hyposmia or loss of sense of smell can be measured. In this test, the sense of smell starts decreasing. During this time, it is difficult to recognize the smell.

In which people the sense of smell starts decreasing


Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

People with chronic sinus problems or nasal problems

People who have genetic diseases should not smoke because it reduces the sense of smell.

How to prevent loss of smell

Take special care of your health problems

Sinus infection can be prevented by treatment

Minimize the use of toxic substances

Keep your heart healthy

Only by adopting all these methods can your sense of smell be strengthened.

In the last few years, heart attack is becoming a serious problem for India. Not only this, the number of deaths due to heart attack is constantly increasing in the country. Cases of heart attack are constantly increasing among the youth aged 25-45 years. Which is becoming a matter of serious concern day by day. This disease is not only seen in the elderly but also in young people.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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