Can one get One Mukhi Rudraksh by planting Rudraksh plant at home? put it like this

Can one get One Mukhi Rudraksh by planting Rudraksh plant at home?  put it like this

Many people plant a Rudraksha plant in their home so that they can get One Mukhi Rudraksha at their home itself. But there is no guarantee that one Mukhi Rudraksha will be obtained from this plant. But you can follow some tips, which increases its chances. Let us know what are those tips by following which you can get Ek Mukhi Rudraksha. However, no scientific evidence has emerged for this.

Select suitable soil for the plant. Select well drained, light and nutrient rich soil for Rudraksha plant. Then choose a pot that suits the size of the plant. The pot should be large enough to allow enough space for the plant’s roots to spread. There should be holes in the bottom of the pot so that excess water can drain out. Fill soil in the pot and plant the plant in it. Then water the plant thoroughly.

Winter can be a good time to plant Rudraksha plant because it needs coolness to grow. Keep this plant in the shade if you live in a very hot place. If the temperature is more than 35 degrees then protect it from direct afternoon sunlight. So that it can flourish easily, keep it in full sunlight. He likes light and airy places, but strong sunlight is not good for him.

Pay special attention to these things

  • Keep the plant well drained.
  • Keep the plant in morning or evening sunlight.
  • Give organic fertilizer to the plant every month.
  • Inspect the plant regularly and treat any diseases or insect infestations immediately.

Also read- Farmer brothers, keep these things in mind while doing farming in winter, you will earn good income.

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