Can today’s car be turned into the antique car of the future? This method will save you from scrap policy

Can today’s car be turned into the antique car of the future?  This method will save you from scrap policy

In order to stop the increasing pollution from vehicles in India, the government has decided that 15 year old petrol cars and 10 year old diesel cars will no longer be allowed to run on the roads. Apart from this, if a 15 year old petrol or 10 year old diesel car is found running on the road, then the concerned department will take away your car and it will be given in scrap.

This decision will make those people sad. Who love their car more than their life and want to preserve it forever. Let us now tell you how you can protect your vehicle with this policy. Apart from this, we will also tell you what experts’ opinion is on this.

Vehicle Scrap Policy

Actually, under the Vehicle Scrap Policy of the Government of India, people are unfit. Provides facility for scrapping vehicles. Under this policy, if you have a 10 year old diesel vehicle or a 15 year old petrol vehicle, then you can get your vehicle scrapped by going to a government registered scrap dealer. Here the public gets benefited in two ways.

First, after scrapping his car, he gets money from the dealer in exchange for the scrap of the car. Secondly, the government also provides some discounts to such people on purchasing a new car. In fact, if you go to buy a new car and you have the certificate of scrapping of the old car, then you can get at least 10 percent discount on the purchase of the new car. However, the question still remains that if I want to keep my car with me forever, what should I do for it?

Can I register a vintage car /p>

The Government of India has exempted vintage vehicles in its new rules. In fact, in 2021 itself, the government had announced to give recognition to vintage vehicles by amending the Central Motor Vehicles Act 1989. Apart from this, the Transport Department is also conducting registration of vintage vehicles from April 1, 2022. However, any vehicle can get a vintage vehicle certificate only if it is at least 50 years old. Now the question arises that what to do if your car is not 50 years old?

Expert has the answer

In this regard, we have covered Auto Beat Talked to journalist Atul Yadav. We asked Atul Yadav that if we have a vehicle which comes under the scrap policy, but we do not want to scrap it, then what is the way to save it? On this question, Atul Yadav said that you can save it in two ways. The first way is that if your car is 50 years old then register it under Vintage Car. If your car is not 50 years old then the easiest way is to keep it in your home or Then park it in the garage or in a private parking lot. He says that the government has a rule that 10 year old diesel vehicles and 15 year old petrol vehicles should not run on the road. You can keep it parked in your house.

Also read: Is there really a shortage of doctors in India? Know how many people in the country have one doctor.

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