Can You Be A Voter From Two Places Simultaneously Know The Voting Law Related To It

Can You Be A Voter From Two Places Simultaneously Know The Voting Law Related To It

The total population of India has crossed 140 crores. Of these, about 80% people are eligible to vote, but according to statistics, only about 70% people are registered in the voter list. But there are many people in India whose names are included in two different voter lists. Now the government has set strict laws for this. Due to this there is a danger of fake voting. That’s why if you have two voter cards, get one of them canceled immediately, otherwise you may be in trouble.

How are two voter cards made?

Normally a person has only one voter card. But in many cases people have also been seen having two voter cards. Actually, what happens is that if a person lives at one place, first he gets the voter card made for that place, then he gets transferred to another place and then he gets the voter card made for that place. In such a situation, both his voter cards are valid. But having two voter cards is not valid. That is why if someone has two voter cards, it is necessary for him to cancel one of them.

one year jail

If a person is found to have two voter cards then it is a violation of Area 17 of the Election Commission. In such a situation, if someone is found with two voter cards, then there is a provision of 1 year imprisonment under the law. The matter of two voting cards is now being resolved slowly. Because now the government has made it mandatory to link Aadhar card with voting card. In such a situation, if Aadhaar card is linked with someone’s voting card, then when he goes to get another voting card made, his details will already be visible.

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