Carrot Paratha Recipe: Have eaten a lot of potato and radish parathas, try carrot paratha for breakfast, you will become crazy about the taste.

Carrot Paratha Recipe: Have eaten a lot of potato and radish parathas, try carrot paratha for breakfast, you will become crazy about the taste.

Carrot Paratha Recipe: Carrot Paratha is one of the most delicious and nutritious breakfast. Everyone likes carrot paratha. These parathas are served hot with curd or butter or pickle. Due to the sweetness of carrot, children like it very much. Carrots contain many nutrients and its consumption is considered beneficial for health. This is the reason why you can not only enjoy making carrot parathas, but it will also provide many benefits to the body. You can prepare carrot parathas instantly for breakfast. Know the recipe of Carrot Paratha.

Ingredients for making carrot paratha

4 cups wheat flour
2 cups chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 teaspoon chopped ginger
1 teaspoon chopped green chilli
1/2 cup chopped coriander leaves
8 tbsp ghee (for baking)
salt as required

Carrot Paratha Recipe

– To make carrot paratha for breakfast, first wash and grate the carrots. After this, chop onion, ginger, green chilli and coriander leaves and keep it aside. Now take a big bowl and add wheat flour, grated carrot, chopped onion, chopped ginger, chopped green chilli, chopped coriander leaves, salt and water. -Mix them well and knead the dough. Keep in mind that the dough should not be too sticky. If you want, you can squeeze out the carrot water so that you can knead the dough properly.

– Now your ingredients for making Carrot Paratha are ready. Then break small balls from the dough and make round balls out of them. Roll each of these balls into a round disc with the help of a rolling pin. Meanwhile, keep a non-stick pan on medium flame and add ghee in it. When the ghee gets heated properly, put the paratha on it and start baking it. Bake the paratha on one side and apply oil on the upper surface. When it starts rising, turn it to the other side and cook well.

– In this way, slowly bake all the parathas until they become crisp from both the sides. In this way, prepare all the parathas and take them out in a plate. Now your hot carrot parathas are ready and can be served with curd or pickle. If you want, you can enjoy carrot parathas with tea also.

Also read- Mooli Paratha Recipe: Start the day with Mooli Paratha in cold weather, your health will be amazing, prepare it in just 5 minutes.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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