Chanakya Niti Leaves Excessive Simplicity Otherwise People May Take Advantage

Chanakya Niti Leaves Excessive Simplicity Otherwise People May Take Advantage

Chanakya Niti: By following the path shown by Chanakya, even the most difficult tasks of the people can be solved easily. Chanakya says that a person’s behavior is the identity of his personality. As a man behaves, he suffers the consequences. Chanakya has told that which people had to face atrocities at every turn in life. Chanakya says that no matter how bad times may come, what kind of nature should humans not adopt in such situations, otherwise they start taking advantage of themselves.

Natyantam Saralairbhavyam Gatva Pashya Vanasthleem.

Chhidyante Saralastra Kubjastishthanti Padapa: ॥

  • Chanakya has told in the verse that those who are very simple, simple and easy by nature have to face many kinds of problems in the society. Chanakya has compared the greater straightforwardness of man to a tree in the forest which is easy to cut. That is, the trees which are straight are cut first because it takes less effort.
  • On the other hand, the trees which are crooked remain strong till the end. That means, excessive straightforwardness is also harmful. It is very important to show cleverness and cleverness to a person according to the situation, otherwise, if strangers start taking advantage of their own.
  • A person who is overly naive is considered weak. Chanakya has considered more direct nature in the category of stupidity. He says that if a man does not give up his nature in bad times, then he has to go through trouble all the time. That is the reason, to achieve one’s goal in life and to keep one’s self safe in this selfish world, one should be a little clever and maneuverable.

Chanakya Niti: Chanakya has compared a true friend to salt, know what it means

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