Chanakya Niti Money Saving Earning Avoid Ego Maa Lakshmi Will Always Happy

Chanakya Niti Money Saving Earning Avoid Ego Maa Lakshmi Will Always Happy

Chanakya Niti: There is never any dearth of prosperity on the one who is blessed by Maa Lakshmi. Such a family gets happiness, prosperity along with wealth. Chanakya has shared his views on money in detail. Great economist Chanakya has told many ways to please Dhan Lakshmi, if you pay attention to these, then Maa Lakshmi will always reside in your house. There will be no shortage of money. Let’s know what Chanakya Niti says about money.

learn to save not waste

Chanakya says that along with relationships, value money as well, because both are difficult to earn and easy to lose. Don’t waste money in the process of showing off money. Mother Lakshmi is kind to the person who does not spend unnecessarily and pays attention to savings. Life will be simple and happy. This savings will save you from troubles in bad times.

love in the family

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Goddess Lakshmi always resides in a family where there is unity and mutual love. Where elders are respected and women are respected, there is no shortage of money in those houses. The whole family lives a happy life. Chanakya says that money should never come in relationships, because whenever relationships are compared with money, there is sure to be a rift. This rift turns into bitterness and tribulation starts. Goddess Lakshmi resides only where there is an atmosphere of happiness and peace.

stay away from arrogance

Maa Lakshmi has been considered very fickle. According to Chanakya, those who are proud of their wealth very soon come to the brink of poverty. It is said that everything can be won by manners, but even the won can be defeated by arrogance. The respect of money brings the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.

earning method

Never run after money. Earnings made with honesty and hard work give benefits for a long time, whereas the money earned by doing unethical work does not last long. Never earn money by harming anyone, cheating, tricking. Chanakya says that the person who has spent some part of his earnings in the work of charity, he never needs to spread his hand in front of anyone.

Chanakya Niti: These three things of Chanakya save a person from bad times, take them in life

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