Cheetah was drinking water in the pond, then a hungry crocodile pounced, dragged it into the water

Cheetah was drinking water in the pond, then a hungry crocodile pounced, dragged it into the water

Big cats and crocodiles never get along in the wild. Both like to live in their respective areas. No one wants to go to each other’s territory. Or simply say that both are afraid of each other. There are many videos of their bloody war on social media. Now a new video is going viral, in which a crocodile drags a cheetah who is drinking water in a pond. But what happened next? Let’s know.

Surprising videos are often posted on Twitter from the @TerrifyingNatur account. In the video posted this time, you can see that a cheetah is drinking water comfortably on the banks of the pond. Meanwhile, a dreaded crocodile suddenly pounces. The attack is so fast that the cheetah did not even get a chance to recover or to say that to understand. The crocodile grabs his neck straight and takes him under water. In the video you can see that two more cheetahs are present there. They keep watching worriedly but even they are not getting the courage to enter the water.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Bizarre news, OMG News, shocking news, Weird news

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