The dates for Delhi Assembly elections have been announced. Election Commission’s Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said that voting for Delhi Assembly elections will be held on 5 February 2025. But do you know that this is the last tenure of Rajiv Kumar as Chief Election Commissioner. Today we will tell you how the Chief Election Commissioner is selected in the country and who does the selection.
Chief Election Commissioner retiring?
While announcing the dates of Delhi Assembly elections, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar has also informed about his retirement. Actually Rajiv Kumar said that this is my last press conference as Chief Election Commissioner. According to the information, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar is retiring in February this year. If seen accordingly, the Delhi Assembly elections are his last election as Chief Election Commissioner.
How is the election commissioner selected?
Now the question is, how is the Chief Election Commissioner selected in the country? Today we will give you information related to this. Let us tell you that a new law has come into force for the selection of Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioner. Under the new law, the names of candidates are shortlisted for the appointment of Chief Election Commissioner or Election Commissioner. After which this name is sent to a three-member committee headed by the Prime Minister. However, the selection committee has the right to recommend the name of the short list candidate or any other candidate. After this, the selection committee sends its recommended name to the President, after which the President gives the final approval to the name of the candidate. After which notification is issued. Let us tell you that the Prime Minister chairs the selection committee.
The Chief Election Commissioner is responsible for all elections.
Let us tell you that the Chief Election Commissioner is responsible for all the elections held in the country. The Election Commission has been mentioned in Article 324 of the Constitution. Let us tell you that the Election Commission is the body responsible for the elections of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Legislative Assembly and the President and Vice President. The eldest officer of this institution is called the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC). There are Election Commissioners under the Chief Election Commissioner. Whereas in the state, the Election Commissioner is appointed by the Governor.