Child Health Problems: This kidney disease can kill children, know about its symptoms from experts

Child Health Problems: This kidney disease can kill children, know about its symptoms from experts

Kidney is an important part of our body, which works to clean the blood and remove dirt from the body. But if there is any problem in the kidney, it can have a bad effect on the whole body. Kidney related diseases can be very dangerous in children, one of which is nephrotic syndrome. This disease is so serious that if it is not treated on time, it can even kill children. Let us know the symptoms of this disease and ways to prevent it.

What is nephrotic syndrome?
Nephrotic syndrome is a serious kidney disease. In this, a large amount of protein starts coming out of the kidney with urine. This happens when the kidney filters do not work properly. This can cause swelling, weakness and other serious problems in children’s body.

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

  • This disease has some special symptoms, which are very important to recognize.
  • Swelling in the body: Swelling in the face of children, especially around the eyes, legs and stomach is the most common symptom of this disease.
  • Changes in urine: Foam in urine and reduction in its quantity can also be a sign of this disease.
  • Fatigue and weakness: Children get tired quickly and feel more weak than usual.
  • Loss of appetite: Children’s appetite decreases, due to which their weight starts decreasing.
  • Yellowing of skin: Children’s skin can become yellow and cold, which is another symptom of this disease.

Preventive measures

  • Timely check-up: If your child shows these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately and get the correct tests done.
  • Take care of cleanliness: Take care of the cleanliness around children, so that they can avoid infections.
  • Balanced diet: Give children a diet rich in nutrients, so that their immunity is strengthened.
  • Daily check-up: Keep getting children’s kidneys checked, so that any problem can be detected on time.

Other important things 
Nephrotic syndrome can be a serious disease for children, but if its symptoms are identified on time and treated properly, then this disease can be controlled. If you see symptoms of this disease in your child, do not ignore it and consult a doctor immediately. With proper care and timely treatment, your child’s health can remain safe. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. You must consult the concerned expert before implementing any suggestion.

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