Child will be born without skull, woman did not have abortion even after knowing, this reason came in the way

Pregnancy is a very difficult time for any woman. She remains alert every minute so that the child does not face any problem. She sees the doctor again and again. Gets an ultrasound done. Every time she has only one question from the doctor, ‘Is my child okay?’ If a mother comes to know that her child is not well. If he is not born properly, then she will say, ‘Then let’s drop him.’ Doctors will also give similar advice. But the story of America’s resident Breena Cecil is different. The doctors have told them that their child will be born without a skull. It is possible that he may not even be alive at the time of birth. Despite this she refused to have an abortion. The reason was very strange.

According to the report of Daily Mail, Breanna Cecil, a resident of Tennessee, lost everything in one stroke. She can no longer become a mother. In January 2023, Breena came to know that the child growing in her stomach was suffering from acrania. This is a fatal condition in which the child’s development stops. Bones are not formed in his skull. After completion of 12 weeks of pregnancy, the doctors said that the fetus cannot come out of the womb. If she continues the pregnancy, the baby will probably die in the womb before 20 weeks.

the child’s brain was not connected
Cecil said, I could see in the ultrasound that the baby’s brain was not connected. It looked like a big cyst. As soon as I saw this I asked what should be done. Can abortion not be done? After much thought, the doctors refused to perform abortion. Cecil said, I got nervous. When asked the reason, it was surprising. He said, Tennessee’s anti-abortion law does not allow abortion. This is because the law says that if the baby has a heartbeat, it cannot be killed in the womb. Hearing this, Cecil started crying. Because there was no concession in the law for a condition like acrania. If we get an abortion, we will have to face jail.

decision to have an outside abortion
After this Cecil decided to get an abortion outside the state. After visiting about 20 clinics and hospitals, a hospital in Chicago performed the abortion on February 3. But six days after returning from the hospital, he started having fever and back pain. When taking antibiotics did not help, he did a second ultrasound. It was found that some part of the fetus was stuck inside. After this it was cleaned again. When I returned home, the same problem again. Then when examined, a nine centimeter abscess was seen in the stomach, which was surrounding the reproductive organs. After this, she had to undergo surgery again to remove her ovary and fallopian tube. She could not get pregnant after the emergency surgery.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, The news is coming, Weird news

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