China Birth Rate Get Decreased Due To Death In Covid 19 Also People Get Older Day By Day

China Birth Rate Get Decreased Due To Death In Covid 19 Also People Get Older Day By Day

Chinese Birth Rate Decreased: population of china year 2023 A huge decline has been seen during. The population has been continuously decreasing for the last two years. The main reasons for the decline in population are said to be deaths due to Covid 19 and decline in the birth rate. This may impact China’s economy in the coming times. It is being feared that the decline in birth rate can create a big problem for China.

At present the population of China is 140 crores. China’s National Bureau of Statistics says that from last year to the present time, China’s population has decreased by 20 lakh 80 thousand. China ranks second among the most populous countries in the world, while India ranks first.

Covid 19 became the cause of death in China
There have been continuous deaths due to Covid 19 in China for the last two years. Apart from this, there has also been a decline in the birth rate. These two reasons are considered to be the biggest reasons for population decline. 8.5 lakh people died in China in the year 2022. There has been a decline of 6.39 percent in the birth rate per 1000 people as compared to last year. Such a decline has been recorded for the first time after the establishment of China’s communist rule.

Elderly population increased in China
The age of working people in the country is between 16 to 59 years, which has declined by 10.75 million in the year 2022. There has been an increase in the number of people above 60 years of age. In the year 2022, the number of people above 60 years of age has increased by 16.93 million. If we talk about development, China has had the worst performance in the last three decades.

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