China Lockdown Problems In Front Of Delivery Workers Forced To Stay Outside House

China Lockdown Problems In Front Of Delivery Workers Forced To Stay Outside House

China Lockdown: Corona continues to wreak havoc in China. Due to Corona, Zero Covid Policy is applicable in China. The Chinese government says that people’s lives can be saved only by zero covid policy. However, now this policy is creating economic problems in front of the people. The condition of the delivery staff is very bad due to the Covid lockdown. One such employee is Wang.

Overworked, underpaid and completely fed up, Wang’s woes escalated when authorities suddenly refused to let delivery drivers into his Beijing apartment earlier this month, reports AFP. Wang isn’t the only one feeling disappointed.

‘I have no choice’

The uncompromising Zero Covid policy of the ruling Communist Party has sparked anger and resentment, with widespread violent protests in China’s major cities. Wang, who delivers food for Internet giant Meituan, said his housing complex was closed on November 7 after two new cases were found. He used to earn about 250 yuan ($34) a day. However, now his work is completely closed. Wang said, “I have no choice. How will I pay the house rent if I can’t earn money.”

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‘I am dissatisfied with the Chinese government’

“A lot of delivery people don’t even have a place to stay at the moment,” Wang told AFP last week. “I’m really dissatisfied with the Chinese government, because other countries are not so strict about Covid now… .. I don’t think it’s necessary, because nobody’s dying from it.”

forced to sleep in the car

Last week in Gu Qiang, China, the threat of shutdown in the housing compound was looming, so the driver of the Meituan company did not go home and slept in the car. A native of northeast China said, “Spending 30 yuan to keep the engine running all night is still cheaper than getting a room in a hotel. Some of my friends are also living outside and can’t afford to go home.” .”

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