China Pakistan Relation Pakistan PM Shahbaz Sharif went to China in June, now Xi Jinping gave a big shock

China-Pakistan Relation : Although China calls Pakistan its friend, it withdraws its hand in the name of helping. In early June, Pakistan’s PM Shahbaz Sharif visited China, many proposals were presented there for investment, but China approved only one proposal. Along with this, Pakistan was also reprimanded on the issue of security. Now the news is that China has also removed the word ‘supreme’ to describe Pakistan’s priority. According to the report of The Diplomat, Shahbaz Sharif went to China in early June. In China’s statements so far in 2018 and 2022, China had described relations with Pakistan as the highest priority in foreign policy, but in the statement of 2023 and the month of June, China-Pakistan relations have been written only as a priority in foreign relations for China. That is, now the word supreme has been removed.

China is changing its statement
If reports are to be believed, China has done this deliberately, because work is going on on many Chinese projects in Pakistan. Chinese engineers are being attacked there. China had also mentioned the attack on Chinese engineers working on the Dasu Dam. In this month’s joint statement, investment on projects like agriculture, IT, industry, science and technology was retained, but in the 2022 joint statement, oil and gas have been replaced with mining. Actually, China wants to get conditional work done from Pakistan, so it has said with the condition that the projects will meet market and commercial principles. In other words, such investments will be completely commercial, in which there will be no special benefit for Pakistan.

This is the main reason for spoiling the relationship
The statement issued by China and Pakistan in June reveals the state of relations between the two countries. Such as removing Pakistan from the top priority to the bottom priority in China’s foreign policy in 2023 and 2024. It seems that Pakistan has not yet addressed China’s concerns about the stability and safety of Chinese citizens inside Pakistan. This has somehow angered China with Pakistan. That is why Xi Jinping also reprimanded Shahbaz Sharif and the Army Chief during the visit.

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