Cholesterol Cutting Chutney Recipe | This green chutney will give a break to cholesterol … consume it in this way

Cholesterol Cutting Chutney Recipe |  This green chutney will give a break to cholesterol … consume it in this way

Cholesterol Cutting Chutney: Increasing cholesterol is one of the most serious problems in today’s era. The elderly and the young are also suffering from this, there is a risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Nowadays people are more inclined towards unhealthy food and processed food, like eating things made of sugar, flour, cold drinks and oil increases cholesterol. Due to the increase in LDL level of bad cholesterol in the body, facts start accumulating in the blood vessels, blood vessels can be closed, due to which the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke increases. However, there are many medicines to reduce it. Available but it is better to reduce it naturally. You can also adopt a recipe to reduce it, according to nutritionists, green chutney can prove to be effective in cutting cholesterol. Green chutney has been named as cholesterol cutting chutney.


  • Coriander 50 grams
  • Mint 20 grams
  • Green chillies as needed Garlic 5 black
  • Linseed oil 15 g
  • Isabgol 15 grams
  • salt to taste
  • Lemon juice
  • water as required

how to make chutney

You can adopt two methods to make it. Either you put all the ingredients in a blender and make a thin paste and then consume it, the other way is to grind it on a colander and eat it.

This is how chutney reduces cholesterol

According to nutritionists, chlorophyll is found in green herbs, which helps in improving digestion. They contain a good amount of fiber, which reduces bad cholesterol. Garlic helps in reducing LDL. It dilutes the blood and prevents the veins from shrinking. Isabgol and linseed will be beneficial for diabetic patients who have high cholesterol. Its consumption can help in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride in the patient.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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