Compensation On Death Due To Landslides know how much money government give to victims

Compensation On Death Due To Landslides know how much money government give to victims

Compensation On Death Due To Landslides: Last Tuesday, many people lost their lives due to landslide in Wayanad, Kerala. After heavy rains, a landslide occurred late at night and people were swept away while sleeping. A few hours later, a landslide occurred again, causing damage to more people. After this, another landslide occurred. Continuous landslides at an interval of a few hours badly destroyed and ruined 4 villages in Wayanad region.

More than 150 people have lost their lives due to this terrible disaster. Since this accident, many people have this question in their mind that does anyone lose their life in an accident like a land slide. Then what compensation is given by the government. Let us tell you. Let us tell you what are the government’s rules regarding compensation in this matter.

This much money is received from PM Relief Fund

In case of death due to any accident or natural calamity, immediate help is provided by the Prime Minister Relief Fund of the Central Government. Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had established the Prime Minister Relief Fund in the year 1948. The present Prime Minister Narendra Modi also provides financial assistance to the citizens of the country on various occasions through this relief fund.

Many people have been badly injured in the landslide in Wayanad, Kerala. Many people have also died. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said this to give relief to the people. Narendra Modi The families of the deceased will be given ₹200000 from the PM Relief Fund, while those who are seriously injured will be given ₹50000.

The state government also gives separate money

While the Prime Minister gives money to help people from his PM Relief Fund, state governments also give compensation to the citizens of their states. This compensation amount is different in different states. For example, in Uttar Pradesh, financial assistance of ₹400000 is given in case of death.

So, in Madhya Pradesh, the natural disaster that has occurred is landslide. In this situation, four lakh rupees are given as compensation. Let us tell you that the amount of compensation for those who lost their lives in the landslide and for those who were seriously injured has not been announced by the Kerala government yet.

Also read: If someone dies while hanging from a train, does one get any insurance or compensation in such a case?

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