Coronavirus Cases In India Increasing After 126 Days Covid Active Cases 5000 Plus

Coronavirus Cases In India Increasing After 126 Days Covid Active Cases 5000 Plus

Coronavirus In India: In India, along with H3N2 influenza, there is also a rapid increase in corona cases. There is a continuous increase in the cases of Kovid-19 in many areas of the country. According to the data of the Union Health Ministry, after 126 days, the number of COVID-19 cases in India crossed 800 in a day, while the number of active cases increased to 5,389.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Health at 8 am on March 18, 843 new cases of corona were reported on Friday. With this, the total corona cases in the country increased to 4.46 crore (4,46,94,349). After four deaths on the previous day, the death toll increased to 5,30,799. Among the dead, one was from Jharkhand, one from Maharashtra and two from Kerala. Now the number of people recovering from the disease has increased to 4,41,58,161 and the death rate is 1.19 percent.

Alert issued to 6 states
An alert has been issued to 6 states by the Central Government regarding the spurt in the cases of Kovid-19. These include Gujarat, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Maximum number of corona cases are coming from these states. An inquiry has been ordered by the Union Health Ministry. Apart from this, the ministry has asked the state governments to pay attention to controlling the rising corona cases. The government has followed the strategy of test, treat, track, vaccination under the five fold strategy.

According to the website of the ministry, 220.64 crore doses of Kovid-19 vaccine have been given under the nationwide vaccination campaign. In the country on Friday (March 17) in one day corona virus There were 796 cases of infection reported. 5 people had died.

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