Country of alcoholics know how much alcohol the people here drink in a year

Country of alcoholics know how much alcohol the people here drink in a year

Humans have been associated with alcohol not just today but for centuries. Alcohol is consumed all over the world including India. Liquor worth thousands and crores of rupees is sold every year. But do you know which country’s people drink the most alcohol? Let us tell you about the countries that drink the most alcohol. Along with this, let us tell you how much alcohol people drink every year in these countries.

what does the report say

According to the report of World Population Review, the highest number of people drinking alcohol in the world live in the country of Latvia. The average consumption here is 13.19 liters of liquor per person every year. The name of the country Moldova comes at second place. Here every year about 12.85 liters of alcohol is consumed per person. Germany is at number three. Here a person drinks 12.79 liters of alcohol in a year. Lithuania is at number four. Here a person drinks 12.78 liters of alcohol every year. Whereas, Ireland is at number five. Here every person drinks 12.75 liters of liquor every year.

How many people drink alcohol in India

According to a report by economic research agency ICRIER and law consulting firm PLR Chambers, about 16 crore people in India drink alcohol. You will be surprised to know that 95 percent of this number are men. The most important thing is that the age of these men is between 18 to 49 years. Apart from this, five percent of this number are women who consume alcohol.

State wise data

A survey company named CRISIL had conducted a survey across the country in 2020. In this survey it was found that there were five states of the country where the maximum amount of alcohol is consumed. Chhattisgarh was at number one among these. About 35.6 percent of the total population here drinks alcohol. Whereas Tripura is at second place in this. 34.7 percent of the total population here drinks alcohol. At the same time, Andhra Pradesh is at number three. 34.5 percent of the total population here consumes alcohol regularly.

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