Daily Calorie Needs for Your Body and Effects of Overconsumption

Daily Calorie Needs for Your Body and Effects of Overconsumption

Our body needs a certain amount of calories every day to function properly. This amount is different for every person, which depends on their age, gender, weight and physical activity. But if we consume more calories than required, it has a bad effect on our health. Let us know how many calories we need daily and what problems can occur due to consuming more calories.

How many calories are needed daily?

  • Lightly active (just daily activities): 1800-2000 calories
  • Moderately active (light exercise): 2000-2200 calories
  • Very active (regular exercise or physical work): 2200-2400 calories


  • Lightly active: 2000-2400 calories
  • Average Active: 2400-2600 calories
  • Very active: 2600-3000 calories

Children and teens:
The calorie requirement of children and adolescents depends on their age and activity level. Generally, 1000-3200 calories are required.

What will happen if you consume more calories?

gaining weight:Consuming too many calories can cause you to gain weight. The body stores extra calories as fat, leading to obesity.
heart disease: Consuming more calories makes your body store fat, which increases the risk of heart diseases. Problems like obesity and high blood pressure can also occur.
Diabetes: Consuming more calories and fat reduces the effect of insulin in the body, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Digestive problems: Excess calories and fat have a bad effect on the digestive system. This can cause problems like constipation, gas, and indigestion.
Lack of energy: Even after consuming more calories than required, you may feel lethargic and tired because the body is not able to get energy properly.

What to do to reduce calories?

  • Take a balanced diet: Include fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy products in your diet. This will give you all the necessary nutrients. Include whole grains like brown rice, oats and quinoa in your diet.
  • Increase physical activity: Do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. You can do walking, running, cycling, swimming or yoga. Also include activities like household chores, gardening, climbing stairs etc.
  • drink water: Drink enough water throughout the day. This will keep your metabolism right and you will feel less hungry. Consume healthy liquids like lemon water, coconut water, green tea.
  • Control the amount of food you eatDo not eat too much food at one time. Eat small quantities several times throughout the day. Drink water in between meals, this will fill your stomach quickly and you will eat less.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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