DB Cooper…the story of the robber who disappeared from a flying plane

DB Cooper…the story of the robber who disappeared from a flying plane

In the cold of November, when people are thinking that somehow they can get a cup of hot tea inside the quilt, at that time a person in America was planning to hijack Flight 305. This plan was not only about hijacking… but also about how to disappear from a flying plane so that even America’s biggest investigative agency FBI could not do anything except banging its head. Let us tell you the story of this unique plane hijack in detail.

The story started from the airport

Date 24 November 1971. Place Oregon state of America. At noon, a man wearing a business suit, white shirt and black tie approaches the counter of Northwest Orient Airlines in Portland. The age of this person would have been between 40 to 50 years. Looks cool and absolutely decent. This man asked the person sitting at the counter for a one-way ticket for Flight 305 to Seattle, Washington. While buying the ticket, the person told his name as Dan Cooper. Today the whole world knows this Dan Cooper as hijacker DB Cooper.

‘There is a bomb in the briefcase’

After getting the ticket, DB Cooper boarded the flight. Sat in 305 and started waiting for the flight to take off. During this, Cooper ordered a drink. He told the air hostess he wanted a bourbon whiskey with soda. After drinking his drink, at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when the plane was flying in the sky, he handed a slip to the air hostess. It was written in this slip that there is a bomb in my briefcase and I want you to sit near me.

The air hostess was nervous after reading this and did what was written in that slip. After making the air hostess sit near him, DB Cooper opened his briefcase… the air hostess saw a lot of wires and a red stick in that briefcase. Seeing all this the air hostess was shocked. Then Cooper asked the air hostess to write down what he was saying in a note and take it to the captain.

What was written in the note

After writing the note, the air hostess took it to the flight captain. Some things were demanded in this note. In this, a demand was made for four parachutes and 2 lakh dollars. However, the most surprising thing about this demand was that DB Cooper had asked for all the notes of 2 lakh dollars in 20-20 dollar notes.

Cooper disappeared in the air< /strong>

The flight captain understood how serious the matter was after seeing the condition of the air hostess and the demands written in the note. The flight captain told all these things to his officers and then it was decided that Cooper’s demand would be accepted. After this, the captain landed the flight in Seattle and Cooper was given a bag full of money and parachutes in exchange for the release of 36 passengers. However, the crew members were still captive in the plane.

The plane again took off from Seattle and disappeared in the sky. After some time, Cooper asked the pilot to take the plane towards Mexico City. The plane turned towards Mexico City. At that time it was around 8 o’clock at night. The plane had not yet reached Mexico, but was flying between Seattle and Reno. Then Cooper asked to open the rear door of the plane and jumped with a bag full of money and a parachute.

After Cooper jumped, the pilot made a safe landing of the plane. After this the FBI investigated the entire area and this hijack was also investigated. But the FBI did not find anything. Today, more than 53 years have passed since this case but no one has found anything about Dan Cooper.

A bag full of notes was found

The FBI interrogated about 800 people in this entire case. But till the end he got nothing. However, the FBI kept saying again and again that Cooper had no chance of survival where he jumped that night. The FBI’s reasoning behind this was that the parachute that Cooper had jumped with did not open. At first people called it a failure of the FBI.

However, in 1980, a boy found a bag near the same area where Cooper had jumped. There were many rotten 20-20 dollar notes in this bag. These notes were of the same serial which were given to Cooper. This incident added weight to the FBI’s statement, but till date it has not been officially decided where DB Cooper went.

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