Dead Bodies Are Kept In The Hope Of Rebirth In A Laboratory Of America Know What Is Cryonics Technology

Dead Bodies Are Kept In The Hope Of Rebirth In A Laboratory Of America Know What Is Cryonics Technology

Cryonics Technology: Humans have made a lot of progress in the field of medicine. Even after so much progress, scientists have not stopped here. Scientists from all over the world are now also working on such a technique, by which even a dead man can be brought back to life. Yes, and with the hope that the day this technology will come, dead bodies have also been preserved in one of the world’s laboratories, so that they can be resurrected.

Cryonics technology

This technique of keeping the body safe is called cryonics. In this, the body or organs are kept in very cold temperature for a long time. In this technique, the dead person’s body will be kept frozen like ice until the work of giving life to people again with advanced technology starts. Once such technology is developed, these people will also be given life again.

People in America are keeping their dead bodies safe for the future in a laboratory in the province of Arizona. It is being said that after the development of this technique, these dead bodies can be brought back to life. Especially rich people are spending huge amount believing this. The great thing is that it is spreading in America as an industry.

there is no guarantee

On the claims of reviving dead bodies, the people of this business believe that there is no guarantee that it will be 100% possible to revive people in this way in future. There are also many high profile customers among those who believe in cryonics. Because of such customers, a market has been created for this technology in a way.

How does cryonics technology work?

In this process, scientists try to preserve the body as soon as possible after death. The reason for this is that every cell of the body can be protected as much as possible. For this, they store any preserved body or organ in -196 degree centigrade. For this first a special fluid is circulated inside the body? Which expands with cooling and stops the processes of decomposition inside the body. This whole process is called cryo-preservation.

When was the first dead body preserved?

The work on this technology had started long back. The first body that underwent this method under the cryonic process was preserved in the year 1967. However, today this process seems to be taking the form of a business and industry.

How much does it cost?

It is not necessary that only the whole body is preserved for this process, but some special parts of the body especially the brain are also preserved. Apart from this, embryos, dead babies and even human sperm or eggs are also preserved. Under this process, the cost of preserving the whole body is 2 lakh US dollars and it costs 80 thousand dollars to preserve only the brain.

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