Deadly disease seen together in twin sisters, one was treated and symptoms started appearing in the other, how?

You must have heard that the actions of twins are similar. But it is hardly heard that both have the same disease. But Scotland’s Sophie Walker and her twin sister Megan are different. Both were born together. There is not much similarity in physical structure, but when Sophie got a deadly disease like cancer, soon after that Megan also started showing its symptoms. The doctors were also surprised to see how this could happen. While no one in his family was affected by cancer.

Sophie Walker, 16, was diagnosed with Wilms’ tumor – a type of kidney cancer – in October 2017, reports the Mirror. Shortly after his chemotherapy started and chemotherapy was done for about four weeks. Within five years, she was free from cancer twice, but then the cancer used to come back. A few days later, her twin sister Megan also started showing symptoms. Like Sophie, problems like stomach and back pain, yellowing of the body, weight loss, abdominal cramps started.

one could not be saved
Mother Rebecca Walker said, when Sophie’s treatment was completed for the first time, Megan also had symptoms. People used to see her and say how sick she looks. We got all kinds of investigations done but nothing came out. It was amazing. Meanwhile, Sophie’s MRI revealed that there is some bug on her spine. This meant that the cancer had spread. Doctors said, this is a very difficult time. May you live good memories with it. We consulted many doctors but to no avail. Finally, in the meantime, Sophie passed away in January. The family was broken.

Second will have proton beam radiotherapy
Now they felt that Megan’s illness was not true. MRI was done from head to toe. Then nothing showed up. Doctors say that it can be seen in twins that what one is feeling, the other feels the same. But the reality came to know. Megan also had cancer. Now the Walker family is going to get Megan’s proton therapy done to save her. Proton beam therapy is the latest technology in radiotherapy and is one of the most precise methods of delivering radiotherapy. Protons can destroy cancer cells. It is useful in the treatment of cancer.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Bizarre news, OMG News, shocking news, Weird news

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