Death occurs instantly if a bullet hits these places in the body, know which organs save life if shot

Death occurs instantly if a bullet hits these places in the body, know which organs save life if shot

The situation in India’s neighboring country Bangladesh is still not good. The army is trying its best to normalize the situation in Bangladesh. A few days ago, during the demonstrations in Bangladesh, the order was also given to shoot the protesters. Do you know that if a person is shot in which part of the body, he can die immediately?

Order to shoot

During the demonstrations in Bangladesh, the government had ordered to shoot the protesters. But do you know that if a person is shot in which part of the body, he can die immediately? Let us tell you that getting shot does not mean that he can die immediately. The most important thing is that on which part of the body the bullet is hitting.

According to experts, a person can die within 40 seconds of getting shot in some parts of the body. In some cases, it can take hours and in some cases, death can be saved after treatment. According to doctors, some parts of the body are so sensitive that if a bullet hits there, it is difficult to survive.

What happens if a bullet hits?

Let us tell you that after entering the body, the bullet tears the cells badly. It enters inside making a path like a tunnel. Whatever comes in the way of the bullet, it destroys it. If it comes across a strong bone, it breaks that too to make a path. However, some strong bones also stop it.

It is dangerous to get shot in this part of the body

Let us tell you that if a bullet hits the brain and heart, then the chances of survival are almost nil. Then death can occur within 03 seconds to 40 seconds. According to information, if a bullet hits the chest or liver where there are thick blood vessels, then the person dies instantly.

Apart from this, if the bullet passes through the hands, legs or external organs, then the chances of survival are high. On the other hand, if treatment is received even after a few hours of being shot in the hands and legs, then there is full hope of survival. However, during this time the person who is shot feels unbearable pain. The expert shooters in the army and other security agencies know where to shoot so that the person does not survive.

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