Debate started among Israeli women, whether they should wear bra at night or not, know what is right and what is wrong

Debate started among Israeli women, whether they should wear bra at night or not, know what is right and what is wrong

These days a new debate is going on among Israeli women on social media – should we wear bras at night or not? This question has become important for many women. Some people believe that wearing bras is necessary, while some consider it unnecessary. Let’s know the logic behind this debate and the opinion of experts.

These days the fear of Iran’s attack is spreading in Israel. There is an atmosphere of fear all around. Meanwhile, a strange debate has started. Actually, this matter started with a Facebook post. After the murder of Ismail Haniya, a post went viral in which it was written, "Ladies, put on your bras now." Many users commented on this post and a debate started.

Comments on the post
One user commented, "I can’t wear a bra because someone threatens me. I would prefer to go upstairs in just my pyjamas." Another user joked, "You must have many bras. Save them for special occasions." Another user wrote, "I have a safe room in my apartment so my bras should be given to others."

Israeli Army Post
Israeli Army (IDF) spokesman Daniel Hagri also posted a picture a few days ago in which he wrote, "Yes bra or no bra." However, he did not give complete information on this. After this, a discussion started among women about wearing or not wearing a bra. Women are now wondering whether they should wear a bra while sleeping or not. There is no right or wrong answer to this debate, but this issue has become a big topic among women.

Benefits of wearing a bra

  • Support: Some women get support from bra even at night, which makes them feel comfortable.
  • Fitness: Some people believe that wearing a bra maintains the fitness of the breast and prevents it from sagging.
  • Comfort: Women who have big breasts get more comfort by wearing a bra.

Benefits of not wearing a bra

  • Comfortable sleep: Sleeping without a bra gives more comfort to the body and helps in getting good sleep.
  • Skin Care: Not wearing a bra gives the skin a chance to breathe, which prevents rashes and allergies.
  • Freedom: Women feel more free and comfortable by sleeping without a bra.

Experts’ opinion

  • Doctors’ advice: Some doctors believe that there is no need to wear a bra at night, because it gives comfort to the body.
  • Dermatologist: Dermatologists say that sleeping without a bra is beneficial for the skin and reduces the risk of rashes.
  • Health Expert: Health experts believe that it completely depends on personal choice. If wearing a bra does not cause any problem, then it is right to wear it. 


Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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