Delhi: Delhi Police will do night patrolling from 11 am to 5 am, division of duty done – Delhi Police Will Do Night Patrolling From 11 Am To 5 Am

Delhi: Delhi Police will do night patrolling from 11 am to 5 am, division of duty done – Delhi Police Will Do Night Patrolling From 11 Am To 5 Am

Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora is trying to fix the tarnished image of the police after the Kanjhawala incident. Anjali was dragged for 13 km during the night in outer Delhi, but the police did not even get a clue, while there were five PCRs and pickets on the route. In such a situation, the Delhi Police Commissioner has ordered that the policemen will now do night patrolling from 11 am to 5 am. Three policemen will be deployed on every picket. Every policeman will have different duty.

To check the vigilance of the policemen, test calls will be made by the Night Officer (GO). The details of checking of night patrolling will have to be entered in the register. The police issued circular (number-4) on January 31 and said in the order that the policemen would do night patrolling. In every police station, the help of home guard and police friend will be taken during this period. There will also be border, permanent pickets, mobile patrolling and foot patrolling.

Wireless sets, small arms and vehicle registers will be given to the policemen deployed in night patrolling. Three policemen will be deployed on every picket built in the police station area. A policeman posted on a picket will have a long range weapon. He will be posted taking his position according to convenience. The second policeman posted on the picket will check the passing vehicles. The third policeman will enter the details of the checked vehicles in the register.

During checking the details of suspicious vehicles will be entered in the register

Policemen doing night patrolling on vehicles will have heavy weapons and will check suspicious vehicles. The details of suspected vehicles will be entered in the register. Registers will be made available to the policemen by the District DCP. If the policemen doing night patrolling and picket duty do not get this register, then disciplinary action will be taken against the concerned staff, the Inspector (Law and Order) posted in the police station and the concerned station head. During night duty, Night GO will ensure that SI and Inspector are checking picket and night patrolling staff or not. He will enter the record of his checking in the register.

Test calls will be given to check

The Commissioner of Police has given strict orders that test calls will be given by Night Geo to check the vigilance of policemen doing night duty. This includes MVP staff, emergency officer and checking staff. Black Rose and Red Alert campaign will run from time to time by Night Supervisor. All Night Geo will fill Night Checking Report.

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