Delhi Weather Sudden change in temperature bad for health know how to protect health tips in hindi

Delhi Weather Sudden change in temperature bad for health know how to protect health tips in hindi

The weather has suddenly changed in the country’s capital Delhi and its adjacent NCR areas. On Wednesday i.e. 23 January, the minimum temperature of Delhi-NCR was recorded at 9.3 degrees. This is 1.8 degrees more than the normal for this season. In such a situation, people have started feeling the heat. Let us know how much health problems can this change in weather and sudden heat cause? In such a situation, what precautions do people need to take?

How dangerous is sudden change in temperature for health?

According to doctors, sudden change in temperature is very dangerous for health. Actually, due to sudden change in temperature our body is not able to maintain normal temperature. Due to this, problems like cold, cough and sore throat start occurring. Also, there is a risk of dryness in the skin, difficulty in breathing and increase in problems of heart patients. Children and the elderly are easily affected by sudden changes in temperature.

Also read: Want to avoid heart diseases in winter? So definitely follow these Ayurvedic tips

How to protect yourself if there is a sudden change in temperature?

People have started facing problems due to sudden heat in Delhi-NCR. In such a situation, there is a need to take special care of yourself. Despite the weather being hot, do not avoid woolen clothes. Actually, people stop wearing woolen clothes when they feel hot. In such a situation, the nature of weather can harm health. At the same time, it also needs to be kept in mind that one should not wear too much woolen clothes in summer. Due to this, you may feel the problem of nervousness. In such weather, you can drink herbal tea, which improves immunity. Apart from this, with the help of yoga and exercise, the body can be prevented from the effects caused by changing temperature.

Also read: Rain in Delhi-NCR on 22-23 January! Know which diseases is such weather dangerous for people suffering from it?

Health will be better by consuming these things

To avoid changing temperatures, it is very important to keep the body healthy. In such a situation, consumption of ginger, basil and turmeric is very beneficial. It also improves immunity. Apart from this, dry fruits, hot soup, herbal tea and seasonal fruits also improve immunity.

Also read: In the changing season, cold and cough have troubled you, try these Ayurvedic remedies and increase immunity.

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