Delicious Breakfast Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss How To Make Smoothie

Delicious Breakfast Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss How To Make Smoothie

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes: You make tasty breakfast every morning but fail even after trying a lot to lose weight. You must have eaten tea and paratha for breakfast. But today we will tell you the recipe of Tasty Smoothie which you can easily make in the morning. If making breakfast every morning is too overwhelming a task for you too, then there are many recipes which can help you prepare fresh and nutritious breakfast without any hassle.

Smoothie is one such thing. If you are one of those people who do not have time to make breakfast, then these are easy to make and can be eaten quickly. As part of a balanced diet and regular exercise, they can also help you achieve your weight loss goals. Here are some healthy and delicious smoothie recipes to try.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie


3 cups frozen or fresh strawberries

1 banana, fresh or frozen

1/2 cup greek yogurt

1/4 cup milk

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

How to make Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Peel the banana and cut it into pieces. Combine all ingredients in a blender. Add frozen ingredients on top. Blend until smooth and serve immediately.

Pineapple Orange Banana Smoothie


3 cups fresh or frozen pineapple chunks

2 large bananas, fresh or frozen

1 large orange

1 cup greek yogurt

1-2 cups ice cubes

How to make Pineapple Orange Banana Smoothie

Peel and cut bananas and oranges. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. If your fruit is at room temperature, you can add some ice cubes to your smoothie. Serve and enjoy.

green smoothie


1 cup fresh pineapple chunks

1 ripe banana, peeled and cut into pieces

1 cup coconut milk

2 cups baby spinach

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

How to Make Tropical Green Smoothie

Put all the things in the blender accordingly. Close the lid tightly and mix till smooth. Serve immediately for best taste. You can also keep it in the fridge and consume it within half a day.

Golden Milk Tropical Turmeric Smoothie


2 cups fresh pineapple chunks

1 ripe banana, peeled

1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger

1/2 teaspoon each ground turmeric and cinnamon

pinch of black pepper

1 cup coconut milk

1-2 cups water

How to Make Tropical Turmeric Smoothie

Put all the things in a blender. Secure the lid, and blend, starting on low. Blend until completely smooth. Drink immediately or refrigerate and you can drink it within 1 day. You can easily make these smoothies at home. Along with reducing weight, you will also get the taste of Tasty Smoothie.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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