Depression is increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason, why it is ‘dangerous’

Depression is increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason, why it is ‘dangerous’

Depression: A cautionary research report has come out regarding the mental health of women. In which it was told that women who are depressed have the highest risk of cardiovascular diseases. In this research report published in JACC Asia, cardiovascular disease (CVD) was examined in women and men. It was found that the risk of heart disease in men suffering from depression was 1.39% and 1.64% in women. Not only this, the risk of stroke, heart failure, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and atrial fibrillation was also higher in women compared to men.

Why do women suffer from depression more?

According to experts, many changes occur throughout the life of women. One has to face everything from pregnancy to menopause. They also have to go through many hormonal changes. Because of this, they are most likely to suffer from depression. This is because dangerous hormones like cytokines have a direct effect on the heart. Experts say that when women become mothers, while taking care of some children, they start believing that they are no longer capable of doing anything. Now everything is not the same as before. It is also called postpartum depression. Due to this, women start feeling depressed. They feel stressed, irritable and angry. This happens in about 50-60 percent of women.

This is also the reason for depression in women

Health experts believe that one of the reasons for women going into depression is the male dominated society. Where there is a lot of social pressure on them. They have to face many discrimination. Due to which they have to go through problems like mental health.

depression and the world

According to a WHO report, currently about 30 crore people in the world are suffering from depression. Depression is about 50% more common in women than in men. Among these, more than 10 percent are pregnant and recently mothered women. Every year more than 7 lakh people commit suicide due to depression. This problem is increasing rapidly in India also.

What is the reason for increasing mental health?

According to a report, less than one percent of the total health budget in India is spent on mental health. Whereas the rest of the world spends 5-18 percent of their GDP on mental health. A 2023 report by Sage Journal stated that about 20 percent of Indian families become poor while undergoing mental health treatment. Therefore, health experts should take more initiative on this.

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