Depression Symptoms In Kids Can Also Be Seen In Early Stage

Depression Symptoms In Kids Can Also Be Seen In Early Stage

Depression Symptoms In Kids: The burden of books today. It didn’t happen earlier. Earlier, children used to decide the journey of knowledge with two-four books. At the same time, the burden of books has become a matter of tension among the children. Apart from this, increasing use of mobile is also causing depression. Children stick to mobile for many hours. The content being served on mobile is also making children mentally ill. Children are not able to tolerate the surrounding environment and even scolding at home. It is very important to take care that children do not fall into any kind of depression due to this situation.

the child is not irritable

The child is quarreling over everything. Getting irritable. If he starts fighting, then the parents need to be serious. This can be a condition of depression in the child. Parents should do counseling of the child immediately. If needed, treatment from a psychiatrist should be done.

baby isn’t it

If the child remains very silent. Doesn’t like to talk to anyone. If someone starts talking, refuse to talk to him. Parents need to be careful in this condition.

even when living alone

Along with being silent, he started living alone. Don’t like to talk to anyone. If you start talking to yourself alone in the room, then this situation is not right. The child has become more mentally ill. He should be counseled and treatment should be started immediately.

Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

read this also: Covid: Eyes are getting red, has the child come under the grip of Covid… know the symptoms and prevention

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