Deserted island, there is snow all around, a unique vault is built in the middle, it will save the earth in the apocalypse!

Deserted island, there is snow all around, a unique vault is built in the middle, it will save the earth in the apocalypse!

You must have heard from religious gurus, films, and stories that doomsday will also come in the world. This world will end that day. People who have faith will believe these things. However, those who have great faith in science may not believe in the day of doomsday, but they definitely believe that at the rate at which humans are destroying the earth’s resources, the day will definitely come when food items will be lost from the earth. Minerals and animals will also disappear. Man is already preparing for such a time. For this, humans have created a vault (Doomsday Vault), which is built on a deserted island, amidst a sheet of ice. There is something inside this safe that will save the earth from apocalypse.

According to Daily Star, there is Svalbard Archipelago (Arctic Svalbard archipelago) in Norway, which has an island named Spitsbergen which is very close to the North Pole. A safe has been made here. The name of this vault is Svalbard Global Seed Vault. It is also called ‘Doomsday Vault’. That’s because inside this huge vault, seeds of crops growing in every country of the world have been kept.

Not everyone can enter the safe. (Photo: Twitter/@MathieuSzn_)

Here the seeds are backed up
This safe is also called the backup of backups. That is because many countries maintain such safes where they store seeds for the time of need. But apart from natural disasters, sometimes such challenges also come in front of these countries, which can be avoided but cannot be avoided. Like seeds not being taken care of properly due to lack of money. Due to this, the seeds may get destroyed at the place of storage. In such situations, this vault comes in handy. This vault was completed in 2008.

The security here is very tight
There are seeds of more than 12 lakh different crops here. There are 500 seeds of each variety. 250 crore seeds can be stored in this vault. If any disaster occurs in any country or on the entire earth, due to which there is a food problem on the earth and all the crops get ruined, then crops can be grown again by taking seeds from this vault. There is tight security here. Apart from people keeping seeds, no one else is allowed here. International non-profit organization Crop Trust bears the expenses of operating this vault. Its purpose is to create a backup of the genebank collection to secure the foundation of our future food supply. This safe works like real bank safes. The country which has deposited its seeds here has the right to use those seeds.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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