Dirty secret of the plane’s bathroom the air hostess revealed the secret

Dirty secret of the plane’s bathroom the air hostess revealed the secret

Dirty Secrets of Plane: People take all kinds of precautions while traveling by train. How to take care of cleanliness, how to stay safe, there is always promptness about everything. But no one takes care of these things during air travel. The reason behind this is the illusion that people have regarding plane travel that everything is the safest, cleanest and best there. But there are many secrets of the plane, due to which common people are unaware and do great carelessness. Recently, a cabin crew has started sharing some such secrets of flight one by one, which is very important for the travelers to know.

If you have been thinking till now that plane travel is the safest and cleanest, then you are mistaken. If you know the secrets of the plane, then you will never use those things again in flight. A cabin crew recently shared some such secrets of the plane that you will be surprised to know.

Avoid using the washroom on the plane
Using the washroom of the plane during the flight can be suffocating for you. Along with this, illness can also be invited. The reason for this is that there are not many options for ventilation inside the bathroom built in the flight. It closes like a cupboard from all sides. The bad smell of the people coming and going remains imprisoned in it, which the people who go later have to bear. After passing foul smell and stool, the germs keep floating in the air inside. Which can be the cause of fatal diseases. In such a situation, it is necessary that whenever you go to the washroom, you must wear a mask. Avoid touching anything and if needed open or touch it using tissue paper.

Secrets of air travel that you might not know

Avoid toothbrushing in flight as much as possible
If possible, avoid brushing your teeth in flight and if necessary, try not to use water from the flight sink. It is better to use bottled water kept with you. The reason is that the water of the flight is unfiltered, it has been stored for a long time, due to which it is not hygienic to use at all.

Some time back, crew member of an airline shared all such dirty secrets related to flight, which is very important to know for every person who travels by air. Especially those who have to travel long distances. They must definitely take utmost care of all these things. Along with this, also know that flights have to take off one after the other, in such a situation even the required places are not thoroughly cleaned. Air travel expert George Hobica told The Post that in total, planes are deep cleaned twice a year. In such a situation, please always wear a mask and keep a sanitizer handy.

Tags: Airlines, Ajab Gajab news, Flights, Good news, OMG

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