Do ghosts really exist if not then how do humans feel them Know the religious and scientific reasons

Do ghosts really exist if not then how do humans feel them Know the religious and scientific reasons

For centuries, there has been a debate on whether ghosts really exist or not., Religious beliefs, Ghost stories have emerged through folklore and personal experiences, Whereas scientists have always denied the existence of ghosts, In such a situation, let us know in this article today whether ghosts really exist or not and if they do not exist, then how do humans feel them,

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What is the religious belief behind ghosts,

different from religious point of view,The existence of ghosts has been acknowledged in different cultures and religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and many other religious traditions believe in the concept of ghosts and spirits,

  • Hindu Religion, In Hinduism, the concept of ghosts and spirits is mentioned in mythology and religious texts., Ghosts are considered to be the souls of the dead who have not been able to attain peace due to certain reasons, in particular ,Evil spirit,Phantom, And ,Vampire, Like there is mention of different types of spirits and these require religious rituals and worship to attain peace and salvation,
  • Buddhist Religion, The concept of spirits and ghosts is also found in Buddhism, This ,Paternal‘ (spirits) And ,Evil spirit‘ (ghosts) is regarded as a, According to Buddhism, Dead souls are in the cycle of rebirth according to their karma and the state of ghost represents a kind of instability,
  • Islam, The concept of ghosts also exists in Islam, But it ,Genie, is known as the, Jinns are physically invisible and have some special powers, Jinns are both good and bad and they can interfere in the lives of humans,
  • Christian Religion, The concept of ghosts in Christianity is less clear, But some traditions mention the presence of spirits of the dead and ghosts., According to Christianity, dead souls paradise, hell, or find total peace,

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Scientists tell these reasons

From a scientific point of view, there is no concrete evidence of the existence of ghosts, The concept of ghosts has not yet been verified on the basis of scientific research and experiments, From a psychological point of view, ghost experiences are often a result of disturbances in the nervous system., May be the result of mental stress or depression, Some people may experience ghosts in stressful or frightening situations depending on their mental state,

Ghost experiences are often caused by environmental factors, such as take,Frequency Sound Waves, Which can cause slight vibrations in the ears and give the feeling of experiencing ghosts, Apart from this, unusual sounds and darkness in old and dilapidated buildings can also give rise to ghost experiences., Also, according to scientists, A large part of the experience of ghosts is based on cultural and personal beliefs, People’s religious and cultural beliefs influence their perceptions of ghosts,

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