Do machines also think? Know what science says

Do machines also think? Know what science says

October A film was released in theaters in 2010 , Whose name was RobotIn this film it was told how a robot develops the power to think and understand and how much destruction it can cause.Through this film a question was raised whether machines can also thinkAnd if not, will they be able to think and understand in future?

This question has been forcing people to think for centuriesIn this era of science and technology when machines are becoming a part of our lives in every field, This question is beginning to seem even more correctArtificial Intelligence, Machines learn now, Able to do any work and even create artistic workBut does this mean that they are really thinkingLet’s know the answer.

What is the meaning of thinking?

First of all let us know what it means to thinkActually logic in thinking, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Creativity and emotions are involvedThe human brain performs all these tasks in a very complex manner.

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What can machines do?

Today’s machines can perform many tasks very quickly and accurately, which are difficult or impossible for humansFor example, AI Facial Recognition Now, Can perform tasks such as language translation and automated driving.

Machines can learn and make predictions by analyzing huge collections of dataAlso, machines can learn using artificial neural networks that work like the neurons of the human brainAlso, machines are now capable of understanding and responding to human language.


This is still a big questionSome experts believe that machines are only simulating and not actually thinking. They argue that machines have emotions,Consciousness and the SelfThere are no human characteristics like awareness.

On the other hand, Some experts believe that machines may be able to think in the future. They argue that as"s1">-egAIis developing rapidly, Machines will be able to perform more and more complex tasks and eventually achieve human-level brains.

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