Do not eat these vegetables even by mistake during monsoon, it can cause stomach related diseases

Do not eat these vegetables even by mistake during monsoon, it can cause stomach related diseases

The rainy season brings freshness and coolness, but one has to take special care of health during this time. There are some vegetables in this season, which can cause stomach problems if eaten. Germs and bacteria grow rapidly in these vegetables, which can have a bad effect on the digestive system. Let’s know which vegetables should be avoided in monsoon..

Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage and salad get contaminated quickly in monsoon. Germs and insect eggs can grow in them, which can cause stomach infection. Therefore, these vegetables should not be eaten in this season. It is difficult to clean them, so these vegetables should be avoided in the rainy season. 

Avoid eating mushrooms during monsoon. Mushrooms thrive in humid conditions and may contain harmful bacteria and toxins during this season. This increases the risk of stomach problems and infections. Instead, you can consume vegetables like bottle gourd, tinda and pumpkin, which are more safe and healthy during this season. 

Eggplant should be avoided in the rainy season. Insects and bacteria grow quickly in eggplant in this season, which can be harmful to your digestive system. Apart from this, eggplant contains some chemicals that can cause allergies in monsoon. Due to these chemicals, you may have itching, swelling or other allergic problems. Therefore, it would be better to avoid eating eggplant in the rainy season.  

Cauliflower has small insects and bacteria hidden in it, which are difficult to wash off. Eating cauliflower in monsoon can cause gas and indigestion in the stomach. Therefore, avoid eating cauliflower in the rainy season and choose safe vegetables. 

Onion and Garlic
Onion and garlic should be consumed less during monsoon. Eat them in very small quantities with eggs, meat and fish. Eating too much onion and garlic in this season can have a bad effect on the digestive system. Therefore, consume them with caution during the rainy season.


  • Eat vegetables only after washing and cooking them thoroughly.
  • Do not buy damaged and dirty vegetables available in the market.
  • Cook and eat only fresh, home-ripe vegetables.
  • In monsoon, give preference to vegetables like gourd and pumpkin instead of green leafy vegetables.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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