Do not reheat 4 foods including rice, they will become ‘poison’ as soon as they are put on the gas, we do this mistake everyday

Do not reheat 4 foods including rice, they will become ‘poison’ as soon as they are put on the gas, we do this mistake everyday

In our tradition only fresh food is always served. Doctors also believe that a person always remains free from diseases by eating fresh food. But nowadays everyone does a job. In such a situation, no one has time to sit and cook food both the times. Most of the people eat the food prepared in the morning in the evening and many times the food prepared in the evening is heated in the morning. But if you are doing this then be careful. According to experts, forgetting 4 foods including rice should not be reheated the next day. Because, the possibility of them becoming poison is very high as soon as they are heated again. It can give serious illness.

According to the report of Daily Mail, many people raised this question on Tiktok in the past. He complained that he got food poisoning after eating rice. Many people had problems after eating sugar. After this experts were consulted. Australia’s dietician Kim Lindsay told that 4 food should not be heated even by mistake. Eating them after heating them the next day means inviting danger. When you come to know about these foods, you will be even more surprised.

fast spreading bacteria in eggs
Kim Lindsay told, first of all we should never reheat the egg. Salmonella bacteria start producing as soon as the eggs are heated. This is the biggest reason for food poisoning. This bacteria spreads very fast in the temperature of 20 degree to 73 degree Celsius. Eggs or food containing eggs should not be left out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours or in hot weather for more than an hour.

would have been hidden in the rice
Bacteria named Bacillus Cereus also thrives in cooked rice. These are bacteria commonly found in soil and vegetables. It is also found in potatoes, peas, beans and some spices. According to Kim Lindsay, this bacteria is heat resistant. As you heat, it expands more rapidly and can cause food poisoning. You wash the rice to make it clean but bacteria remain hidden in it. That’s why it should never be heated.

Risk of cancer by heating spinach
Kim Lindsey told that reheating spinach can increase the risk of cancer. Green leafy vegetables like spinach contain compounds called nitrates. When nitrates are heated, they can break down into other compounds that increase the risk of cancer. Nitrates are harmless in themselves, but after mixing with bacteria already present in the mouth and enzymes in the body, it gets converted into nitrosamines which are the main cause of cancer.

Do not keep potatoes at room temperature for more than 2 hours
Similarly, potatoes should never be heated again. When kept for more than 2 hours even at room temperature, bacteria called Clostridium botulinum starts to grow in potatoes. It directly attacks the nerves of the body. It can also cause difficulty in breathing. It can cause vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain. Even death can occur in one out of 10 cases.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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