Do you also make these mistakes regarding room heater? Must read this news before any untoward happens

Do you also make these mistakes regarding room heater?  Must read this news before any untoward happens

Precautions while using room heater: At this time, winter is showing its strength in the whole of North India. In such a situation, it is common to use room heaters or coal stoves in homes to avoid cold, but if some precautions are not taken while using them, then it can also become a threat to your life. One such case recently happened in Jammu and Kashmir. Here in Ramban district, four members of a family slept leaving the room heater on at night, after which they were found dead in the morning. If you also use room heaters in your rooms, then this article is for you only.

Today, in this article, we will tell you about the precautions to be taken while using the room heater. By adopting which you can save your and your family’s life from being at risk.

Disadvantages of running stove or heater in the room

effect on eyesight

Running a room heater increases the dryness in the air of the room. When this hot air hits your eyes again and again, it also affects the moisture of the eyes and itching starts in them. This can also affect your eyesight.

changing body temperature can make you sick

When you repeatedly know outside or inside by running a room heater or stove in the room, the body temperature changes. This affects the immunity of the body and you can come under the clutches of diseases.

Carbon monoxide can cause death

When you light a heater or fireplace in a closed room, the oxygen in the room air gets depleted and the amount of carbon monoxide increases. This can lead to suffocation and even death. Its prolonged use can make you an asthma patient, even if the room is open.

There may be itching or skin infection

When the humidity in the room air decreases, then the environment starts absorbing water from your body as well, due to which you may have itching or many other problems related to skin infection.

Short circuit can also cause fire

If you are running an electric heater, then using it continuously for a long time can cause fire due to short circuit. Most of these heaters have a plastic body which melts on continuous use and causes short circuit.

Find out the level of carbon monoxide in the room like this

If you run a room heater in a room and want to know whether you are becoming a victim of carbon monoxide, then keep in mind that if – after a while after running the heater, you start feeling dizzy or having a headache, stomach ache. If you start feeling uncomfortable, feel nauseous and feel sleepy and start closing your eyes, then understand that the air in your room has become poisonous.

Precautions to be taken regarding room heater

  • If the room heater is electric then get it thoroughly checked before starting to use it.
  • By the way, avoid using coal stove, but if there is no other means, then try to use wood coal instead of stone coal.
  • To maintain the humidity in the room, keep a bucket filled with water near the heater.
  • Do not close the room completely. If there is a window or skylight in it, keep it slightly open and if not, then open the door only slightly.
  • Heat the room by running the heater before sleeping and turn it off while sleeping.
  • It is better to use oil heater instead of electric heater, gas heater, hot blower or coal stove.

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