‘Do you come to the office to work or to have an affair?’ The couple was romancing in the office, the company fired them, then they went to court!

‘Do you come to the office to work or to have an affair?’ The couple was romancing in the office, the company fired them, then they went to court!

There is a lot of difference between our personal and professional life and there should be. This helps us to work better at the workplace and live our personal life better. Those who are unable to do this have to face either stress or embarrassment in their lives. Something similar happened in an office in the neighboring country China.

It is quite normal for two colleagues to develop a relationship while working together in the office. You must have heard and read many such incidents. However, when this affair happens between two married people, the matter becomes a little different. Something similar happened in a pharmaceutical company located in Sichuan province of China. This matter is currently trending on social media.

It was a case of extra marital affair…
According to the report of South China Morning Post, this case is of a pharma company located in Sichuan province of China. Two colleagues working here were having an extra marital affair. The company came to know about this when the wife of the male colleague showed the chat between her husband and his colleague to the manager. After this, there was an argument between the woman’s husband and his lover and he went on leave. The limit was crossed when after a few days they became normal again and they kissed each other in front of their colleagues. This time the employees wrote a complaint letter and the company showed them the way out.

When the truth came out, they started demanding compensation
The surprising thing was that instead of feeling ashamed of this, both of them filed a case against the company and demanded compensation of up to 3 lakhs. However, the company showed the rules in its defense, in which the company had clearly written that they have the right to fire people who behave unethically and harm the reputation of the organization. Ultimately this case ended here and they were fired without any compensation. When people read this case on social media, they directly blamed the married employees who were having extra marital affairs even after marriage.

Tags: Amazing news, Viral news, Weird news

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