Do you know iPhones also have an expiry date Know how long their life is tech tips hindi

Do you know iPhones also have an expiry date Know how long their life is tech tips hindi

iPhone Expiry Date: iPhone is counted among the most premium smartphones in the world. It is famous for its excellent design, powerful performance and long-lasting software updates. But do you know that iPhone also has an “Expiry Date”? Like every technological device, iPhone also has a limited lifespan, after which its performance starts slowing down or it may stop working completely. Let us understand what is the life of iPhone and how it can be maintained for a long time.

Average life of iPhone

According to Apple, the average age of an iPhone is considered to be around 4-5 years. This is because Apple provides software updates to its iPhones for about 5 years. After this, the new iOS version is no longer available for older models, which may affect the functionality of the device.

However, if you maintain it properly, the iPhone can last for 6-7 years. But over time, battery capacity reduces and hardware becomes old, which affects performance.

Factors Affecting the “Expiry Date” of iPhone

software updates

Apple usually provides software support for iPhones for 5 years. After this the phone is deprived of new features and security updates, which reduces its lifespan.

battery capacity

Battery performance begins to degrade over time. The iPhone battery works well for an average of 500-800 charge cycles.

hardware obsolescence

With the advent of new technology, the processors and other hardware of old iPhones gradually become outdated.

Maintenance and use

The life of an iPhone depends on how you use and maintain it. Its lifespan can be increased with proper care and regular cleaning.

Tips to increase the life of iPhone

take care of battery

Avoid repeatedly discharging the battery to 0%. Always maintain charging between 20%-80%.

Update Software

Install every new iOS update on time, so that the phone remains secure and better.

avoid overheating

Do not use iPhone in very hot or cold environments.

use protection

To keep the phone safe, apply a strong cover and screen protector. iPhone may be a durable and long-lived smartphone, but it also has an “Expiry Date”. With proper care and regular maintenance you can extend its life.

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