Does banana melt quickly at home? So store it like this, it will remain fresh for a long time, know the tips

Does banana melt quickly at home?  So store it like this, it will remain fresh for a long time, know the tips

How To Preserve Banana: Banana is called the apple of the poor. Bananas are cheap and healthy too, hence people buy them easily, hence doctors recommend consuming bananas as a fruit every day. Banana contains many vitamins and minerals. These are very good for the body. Besides, the iron, fiber and oxidants present in it protect organs like kidney, digestive system and heart. However, a big problem with banana is that it starts rotting quickly, so if you are keeping bananas at home, then you have to finish it quickly. Let us know how you can save bananas from rotting quickly…

Now let us see how to keep bananas fresh for a long time…

-Bananas do not spoil quickly if hung. For this, to keep the banana fresh for a long time, tie a rope and hang it in a ventilated place.

Wrapping bananas in plastic wrapping also keeps them fresh for a long time. Cover the bananas with a lid to prevent air from entering. By doing this the bananas will remain fresh.

-To keep bananas fresh for a long time. Vinegar should be applied to the banana as soon as it is brought from the market.

-After this, keeping the bananas in an airy place will keep them fresh for a long time.

-Bananas remain fresh even if kept in the refrigerator. But before keeping it in the fridge, bananas should be packed in an airtight cover.

Don’t throw away used green tea bags, it has amazing benefits, just follow these 4 tips.

-If even one of the bananas you purchased is rotten, you should remove it. Ethylene gas comes out from properly ripe bananas. Due to this, the bananas growing nearby also rot.

Tags: Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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