Does pulling off the bandage in one fell swoop actually cause less pain? what is the right way

Does pulling off the bandage in one fell swoop actually cause less pain?  what is the right way

You must have often heard saying one thing at home or outside that it is right to kill at once. It is not right to torture and kill again and again. Actually, the same thing is often said about bandages that if the band-aid is uprooted at once, then there is less pain. But if this is uprooted slowly, then the pain increases. Now how true this thing is, it has been mentioned in a report published in ‘The Medical Journal of Australia’.

65 students of ‘James Cook University’ in Queensland did a special research. In which it was found that which method of removing the bandage is correct. In this investigation process, the bandage has been removed in two ways. One with a jerk and the other slowly. Then both of them were assessed that in which of the two methods the pain is less. 

The right way to remove a bandage

The participants involved in this investigation tried to remove the band-aid in both ways. Then their discomfort was assessed on an 11-point pain scale. Those who wore bandages reported an average pain score of 0.92. Those who shrieked slowly over a two-second period were considered masochists, given an average score of 1.58. 

Research tried dressing at three different places. Also assessed sites for arm, deltoid (shoulder), and ankle and body hair. While body parts did not matter. Due to the hair in the lower parts of the body, there is inconvenience in bandaging. This was disclosed in the report. So is it true that slow removal of bandage is more painful than fast removal. 

Some researchers at MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston announced in 2022 that they are moving toward that goal. The skin as a result of the wound has different adhesive strength depending on its softness or the type of bandage used. The study found that Band-Aid brand bandages are used. These bandages have glue that sticks to the skin. But it doesn’t hurt that much after removal. 

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