Does Window AC really cost more than Split AC know the truth

Does Window AC really cost more than Split AC know the truth

Window AC Split AC Energy Consumption: Winter is about to end. Summers will start after a few weeks. It becomes very difficult to go out of the house during summer because the sunlight and heat are unbearable. So living in homes is also not easy. That is why people resort to one. Now generally in big cities, almost everyone uses AC in their homes.

But the bill for using AC is higher as compared to normal fans and coolers. There are two types of ACs used in homes. Window AC and Split AC. Many people believe that the bill for window AC is higher than that of split AC. Let us know how much truth is there in this matter.

Window AC gets higher bill

If we talk about the power of window AC and split AC, then the bill for window AC is higher. You may find it cheaper when you buy a window AC, but when you use it, you have to pay that price to pay the bill.

Window AC generally consumes about 900 to 1440 watts of electricity per hour. To keep the temperature of AC low, its compressor has to apply more force to provide cooling. Due to this the bill comes higher.

Get AC installed as per room

If your room is small and there is less space in it. Then you can get window AC installed. Because one, it will not take up space in your room and second, window AC provides adequate amount of cooling for small rooms. It is cheaper than split AC in the market.

This will also save your money. But your room is big and your budget is also fine. Then you can take split AC. It will be a little expensive but will save your electricity and will also provide good cooling.

Also read: PM Surya Ghar Yojana: If you spend 300 units of electricity every month, then how many kilowatts of solar panels will be required?

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